The World of Dance over in Pomona on Saturday has come and gone. For those that didn't get a chance to attend, this event was a blast from all aspects! The attendance was bigger than what we all had originally anticipated. As most of you are aware, this was our first appearance down in So. Cal. And, I have to admit the love and support from all the folks ranging from the attendees, the vendors, and even the WOD management were all welcoming, supportive, but more importantly embraced the brand with open arms. More on this in just a bit.
Sharon and I ended up driving down to the LA County area last week on Wednesday night so that we could meet up with a few people before the actual show on Saturday. Our first initial stop on the stomping grounds was a quick visit to help out setting up a booth for a good friend of ours (Tony) at the Anaheim Convention Center for the Orange County Boat Show. The next night (Friday) the remaining crew arrived from the Bay Area ready as ever to help out with the show. That same night, PDFLO invited us over to his film & editing studio over in Signal Hill to come hang out at the new home for all his and his crews' upcoming film projects. The place is pretty sweet! Unfortunately, the place wasn't fully setup since he just moved in, but the place houses a recording/editing room, a spacious office, an enormous section specifically for his green screen film shots, and a dedicated area for when they cast for actors or showcase their premiers. We stayed for a few hours chatting with PeeDee, Timothy and the rest of the gang about up and coming projects from both of our worlds as well as the history behind Bastard & Friends. A few hours later and a large pizza absorbed into our bodies in less than a few minutes, I think we all walked away with not only new ideas, but also answers to some of the questions that we all never discussed before. Definitely a great night to remember with the exception of the million connecting freeways in the LA County that we had to jump on to and from the studio.
Onto the show day. Just to circle back around, Dave whom is the man responsible from putting the WOD show together invited me to check out the Pomona Fairplex on Friday to look at the booth location as well as the setup of the place before the initial move-in on Saturday -- which was pretty awesome since it gave me a better idea of how we should setup and position our stuff to display for the attendees. As for the show itself, it was super fun! They all came in droves ready to battle, showcase their talents, mingle/hangout, scout, and purchase items offered by the various brands positioned in their booths. I have to admit, the first hour was slow for us. Shortly after that was soon changed. As the night started to approach more and more people started to gather, make purchases and return for their prizes that they won from us. With the help of our team passing out a 1,000 flyer's with raffle tickets to the people and an appearance by Timothy and PDFLO, overall the event was 'A SUCCESS' for all of us! The new purple logos as well as the the classic black and white logo tees flew off the shelves in no time along with the other various items. Our trip back home was a much lighter load. Tim almost even sold out on his Rush Hour CD from his abundance of fans/supporters that came to see him. At times it overwhelming for all of us. Those die hard fans are something else! The show itself was put together nicely by management. The flow of traffic and the location in 1 building with a few outside vendors flowed pretty smoothly. There were 2 total buildings. I believe each was 30,000 square feet in which both were packed. Bldg 8 was setup for the big dance/choreo showcases such as: Beat Freaks, Quest Crew and other big group competitions. Meanwhile, Bldg 5 where we were, maintained the fashion vendors, and freestyle/3 on 3/5 on 5 dance battles. The outside middle arena that connected the two buildings was the food court and a few vendors sprinkled throughout the proximity. Just to highlight, within various sections of each area/building were dance battles being held throughout. Some pretty cool, interesting, and exciting stuff, to say the least!
'THANK YOU' to everyone who came out and supported Bastard & Friends along with PDFLO films (PeeDee and Timothy). You all made the 370+ mile trip down to So. Cal awesome and worthwhile!!
Some cool folks to check out at your own leisure. Nothing but love and support for our neighbors at the show: Rad is Rad, PST Gear, Dunkxchange, Muz Wear, ParLe, BBJ.
Next up...UNIQUE LA, MAY 2nd (Sat) & 3rd (Sun) held at the California Market Center penthouse. That's right folks, we'll be down in So. Cal in just a few more weeks again so mark your calendars and come hang out all over again!
10x20 booth with the usual suspects. Derek is hiding..can you spot him in this pic?

The line to get inside the venue before the doors opened at 3pm

I spotted this guy (Richard) rockin' B&F gear and his pal outside. He discovered us on YouTube! You gotta love the internet!

The 3 stooges

The 3 stooges

Lunch and dinner


And, after!...

Sharon took some time out of the busy schedule to do a brief interview

This was the crowd surrounding Quest crew! Well deserved. Thank goodness for MTV's America's Dance Crew

One of the many circles formed by b-boys showing off their moves

Packed like sardines in bldg. 8 waiting for their favorite dance crews to perform

Had to purchase this shirt from Carlos and his brand Muzwear! Enough said about this saying

Randy and his crew from Awesome stuff and imagination from this team

Winners of the all day raffle! Remarkably, only 1 person didn't claim their prize. I believe I'm missing a few pics, though. Sorry folks. CONGRATULATIONS to all!

Timothy Delaghetto and PeeDeeFlo supporters (some of the many). I promised I'd put you guys up on our blog:
Awesome stuff. This young lady purchased a white logo tee and had Tim sign it also! How rad is that?

Remaining pics from the event can be viewed by clicking HERE. Enjoy!
Jonathan (Bastard & Friends)
Sharon and I ended up driving down to the LA County area last week on Wednesday night so that we could meet up with a few people before the actual show on Saturday. Our first initial stop on the stomping grounds was a quick visit to help out setting up a booth for a good friend of ours (Tony) at the Anaheim Convention Center for the Orange County Boat Show. The next night (Friday) the remaining crew arrived from the Bay Area ready as ever to help out with the show. That same night, PDFLO invited us over to his film & editing studio over in Signal Hill to come hang out at the new home for all his and his crews' upcoming film projects. The place is pretty sweet! Unfortunately, the place wasn't fully setup since he just moved in, but the place houses a recording/editing room, a spacious office, an enormous section specifically for his green screen film shots, and a dedicated area for when they cast for actors or showcase their premiers. We stayed for a few hours chatting with PeeDee, Timothy and the rest of the gang about up and coming projects from both of our worlds as well as the history behind Bastard & Friends. A few hours later and a large pizza absorbed into our bodies in less than a few minutes, I think we all walked away with not only new ideas, but also answers to some of the questions that we all never discussed before. Definitely a great night to remember with the exception of the million connecting freeways in the LA County that we had to jump on to and from the studio.
Onto the show day. Just to circle back around, Dave whom is the man responsible from putting the WOD show together invited me to check out the Pomona Fairplex on Friday to look at the booth location as well as the setup of the place before the initial move-in on Saturday -- which was pretty awesome since it gave me a better idea of how we should setup and position our stuff to display for the attendees. As for the show itself, it was super fun! They all came in droves ready to battle, showcase their talents, mingle/hangout, scout, and purchase items offered by the various brands positioned in their booths. I have to admit, the first hour was slow for us. Shortly after that was soon changed. As the night started to approach more and more people started to gather, make purchases and return for their prizes that they won from us. With the help of our team passing out a 1,000 flyer's with raffle tickets to the people and an appearance by Timothy and PDFLO, overall the event was 'A SUCCESS' for all of us! The new purple logos as well as the the classic black and white logo tees flew off the shelves in no time along with the other various items. Our trip back home was a much lighter load. Tim almost even sold out on his Rush Hour CD from his abundance of fans/supporters that came to see him. At times it overwhelming for all of us. Those die hard fans are something else! The show itself was put together nicely by management. The flow of traffic and the location in 1 building with a few outside vendors flowed pretty smoothly. There were 2 total buildings. I believe each was 30,000 square feet in which both were packed. Bldg 8 was setup for the big dance/choreo showcases such as: Beat Freaks, Quest Crew and other big group competitions. Meanwhile, Bldg 5 where we were, maintained the fashion vendors, and freestyle/3 on 3/5 on 5 dance battles. The outside middle arena that connected the two buildings was the food court and a few vendors sprinkled throughout the proximity. Just to highlight, within various sections of each area/building were dance battles being held throughout. Some pretty cool, interesting, and exciting stuff, to say the least!
'THANK YOU' to everyone who came out and supported Bastard & Friends along with PDFLO films (PeeDee and Timothy). You all made the 370+ mile trip down to So. Cal awesome and worthwhile!!
Some cool folks to check out at your own leisure. Nothing but love and support for our neighbors at the show: Rad is Rad, PST Gear, Dunkxchange, Muz Wear, ParLe, BBJ.
Next up...UNIQUE LA, MAY 2nd (Sat) & 3rd (Sun) held at the California Market Center penthouse. That's right folks, we'll be down in So. Cal in just a few more weeks again so mark your calendars and come hang out all over again!
10x20 booth with the usual suspects. Derek is hiding..can you spot him in this pic?
The line to get inside the venue before the doors opened at 3pm
I spotted this guy (Richard) rockin' B&F gear and his pal outside. He discovered us on YouTube! You gotta love the internet!
The 3 stooges
The 3 stooges
Lunch and dinner
And, after!...
Sharon took some time out of the busy schedule to do a brief interview
This was the crowd surrounding Quest crew! Well deserved. Thank goodness for MTV's America's Dance Crew
One of the many circles formed by b-boys showing off their moves
Packed like sardines in bldg. 8 waiting for their favorite dance crews to perform
Had to purchase this shirt from Carlos and his brand Muzwear! Enough said about this saying
Randy and his crew from Awesome stuff and imagination from this team
Winners of the all day raffle! Remarkably, only 1 person didn't claim their prize. I believe I'm missing a few pics, though. Sorry folks. CONGRATULATIONS to all!

Timothy Delaghetto and PeeDeeFlo supporters (some of the many). I promised I'd put you guys up on our blog:
Awesome stuff. This young lady purchased a white logo tee and had Tim sign it also! How rad is that?
Remaining pics from the event can be viewed by clicking HERE. Enjoy!
Jonathan (Bastard & Friends)
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