My apologies for not keeping the blog up-to-date. After WonderCon as well as planning for the World of Dance Tour event down in Pomona, CA. on Saturday, April 4th and a quick trip down to Southern California just a few days ago, blogging was pretty much kept on the back burner. And, as a heads up I'll keep continuing to blog as much as I possibly can in the next few months while we're maintaining the busy atmosphere here at the Bastard & Friends headquarters. In the next few months, we're going to be hitting the road and attending various shows throughout California. After the WonderCon stint, it was requested by our supporters and apparent by us that we make an effort and appear at other events. So, keep posted on a list of upcoming events on either our blog and or our home/splash page in the near future. In the meantime, we're working on putting up an Events page under the 'Warp Zone' section in order to track where you'll find us next.
Moving along, Sharon and I took another quick trip down to So. Cal over the weekend to meet with a good pal of ours (Tony) whom is widely known throughout the garment and accessories industry. Jumping in the car on a Friday evening and driving down to Simi Valley for a meeting on Saturday morning that lasted 7hrs. starting from 10am and then heading back to the Bay Area the same day was what was on the agenda. As much as I like to blog and expose people, this particular write-up is an exception. Tony, who is a key player in his industry prefers to stay behind the scenes. But, let's just say he's worked and still continues to work with key players (shot callers) from Ecko, Zoo York, DC, Hurley, O'Neal, Ambiguous, Split, Fox Racing, Arai Helmets and the list goes on forever. The most well-connected individual that we've ever come across, I have the utmost respect for this gentlemen who has made great strides in not only building his brand, but also helping others establish a name for themselves. With offices in the U.S, Vietnam, and in Europe his continuing efforts are still creating some serious impact on the companies mentioned above. There was never a dull moment during our conversation that lasted 7 whole hours. Everything about the industry was pretty much touched on. Very overwhelming at times, but yet we craved more and more of it. The best way to describe the affair was a professor teaching his students about a particular subject. Very awesome stuff in which you'd never believe! As far as Bastard & Friends, there are surprises that are just around the corner for all of you. There's some cool and intriguing things that will emerge within the next few months. We are very excited as our journey will begin to take various twists and turns as we plan to unleash and introduce a whole new product line! Seriously...stay tuned! This is something I highly suggest you keep on board with.
This is a 'sliver' section inside the office and warehouse of an industry mogul

Insisting on taking Tony wherever he wants to go for lunch, being the tasteful person that he is, we ended up eating at one of the only Vietnamese spots in Simi Valley. BTW, that order #1 Pho was excellent. I wish I could've finished it, but the dialogue amongst all of us was too interesting during the time

Jonathan (Bastard & Friends)
Moving along, Sharon and I took another quick trip down to So. Cal over the weekend to meet with a good pal of ours (Tony) whom is widely known throughout the garment and accessories industry. Jumping in the car on a Friday evening and driving down to Simi Valley for a meeting on Saturday morning that lasted 7hrs. starting from 10am and then heading back to the Bay Area the same day was what was on the agenda. As much as I like to blog and expose people, this particular write-up is an exception. Tony, who is a key player in his industry prefers to stay behind the scenes. But, let's just say he's worked and still continues to work with key players (shot callers) from Ecko, Zoo York, DC, Hurley, O'Neal, Ambiguous, Split, Fox Racing, Arai Helmets and the list goes on forever. The most well-connected individual that we've ever come across, I have the utmost respect for this gentlemen who has made great strides in not only building his brand, but also helping others establish a name for themselves. With offices in the U.S, Vietnam, and in Europe his continuing efforts are still creating some serious impact on the companies mentioned above. There was never a dull moment during our conversation that lasted 7 whole hours. Everything about the industry was pretty much touched on. Very overwhelming at times, but yet we craved more and more of it. The best way to describe the affair was a professor teaching his students about a particular subject. Very awesome stuff in which you'd never believe! As far as Bastard & Friends, there are surprises that are just around the corner for all of you. There's some cool and intriguing things that will emerge within the next few months. We are very excited as our journey will begin to take various twists and turns as we plan to unleash and introduce a whole new product line! Seriously...stay tuned! This is something I highly suggest you keep on board with.
This is a 'sliver' section inside the office and warehouse of an industry mogul
Insisting on taking Tony wherever he wants to go for lunch, being the tasteful person that he is, we ended up eating at one of the only Vietnamese spots in Simi Valley. BTW, that order #1 Pho was excellent. I wish I could've finished it, but the dialogue amongst all of us was too interesting during the time
Jonathan (Bastard & Friends)
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