The Perfect Day
Continued from the previous blog 'Time to rip the mountain,' Marcel and I ended up heading over to Heavenly ski resort to shred one of the mountain sides of blissful Lake Tahoe. Hours later and a total of 17 runs that were ensued, each and every run down the California side of the resort (there's also a Nevada side) was filled with vigor. Ripping and shredding each and every course possible was our game plan from the time the resort opened -- which was at 8:30am. The day couldn't have been more perfect than yesterday -- which is the reason why I titled this blog 'The Perfect Day.' Clear visibility and the temperature alternating around the upper 40's and low 50's and aside from all the Bastard snowboarders and skiers who had the propensity to just stop in the middle of the trail/mountain, the day started and ended beautifully. The best part about the trip was that we basically had the whole mountain to ourselves along with a few sprinkles of people here and there for about 2 hrs. when the park opened. Hence, this allowed us to attack and crush all the trails that were in front of us along with a few nice jumps along the way until the crowd started to settle in. This is how we managed to get the first 11 or so runs in. Marcel and I agreed at the end of the day that we haven't had this much of a field day snowboarding in a long while!
Mine and Marcel's energy booster to get us through the day. I believe this was run 14 or so

Going home on the lift. If you look closely, you'll notice the parking lot at the very bottom of the right. Yes, we were pretty high up there. And, how about that amazing view of Lake Tahoe!

Tired, bruised shins from my socks not staying up past my calves, and 17 runs later, I'm ready to leave and get our grub on over at the 'Hard Rock Cafe.'

These boots and board got a run for their money

Thanks Cel for driving! I know I was burnt after the day ended

Test out some of the coolest Burton boards here

Jonathan (Bastard & Friends)
Mine and Marcel's energy booster to get us through the day. I believe this was run 14 or so
Going home on the lift. If you look closely, you'll notice the parking lot at the very bottom of the right. Yes, we were pretty high up there. And, how about that amazing view of Lake Tahoe!
Tired, bruised shins from my socks not staying up past my calves, and 17 runs later, I'm ready to leave and get our grub on over at the 'Hard Rock Cafe.'
These boots and board got a run for their money
Thanks Cel for driving! I know I was burnt after the day ended
Test out some of the coolest Burton boards here
Jonathan (Bastard & Friends)
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