Hollywood Bound with the Ivy Leegue
Before you read below, I wanted to highlight that the pre-order pricing for all of our current hat stock will be ending tonight at Midnight. So, be sure to order before Midnight or else you'll just have to get it at regular price starting tomorrow!
Over the weekend Bastard & Friends took a trip down to the great place of LA/Hollywood with the Ivy Leegue for Skuba's aka Mr. Superbad MixTape release party. As it turned out, unfortunately, problems rose with the club promoter the last minute before the show was going to start. Hence, Skuba was unable to perform as expected over at Club Nacional in Hollywood. In lieu of the party at the club, a spur-of-the moment event was put together for Skuba and the Ivy Leegue courtesy of JMac (Music Producer) over at his loft in downtown LA. A decent number of people came by which was beautiful. We came across some good people throughout the night as some were wondering what all the hype revolving around the Ivy Leegue and Bastard & Friends was about. Ultimately, both the Ivy Leegue and we were on a mission to promote both of our positions. This was definitely achieved all within the short-span of 48hrs from my perspective. Ivy Leegue who possessed 700+ mixtapes passed out a massive amount within the first few hours since setting foot on the busy downtown Hollywood strip. Meanwhile, we were able to accomplish the same as well. Armed with 300+ flyers and a huge roll of 500+ stickers, we were able to get all, but 50 stickers given out.
One of the first things that I wanted to address is the primary reason why we were down in Southern California. And, that reason was to support Skuba and his mixtape release. I have to say, I come across a lot, and I mean a lot of people who hand over and want me to listen to their music, indie/underground music that is. All within various genres (Rap, Alternative, Rock etc.). And, I have to admit a vast majority of them are not even worth listening to after the first few songs. Skuba's mixtape on the other hand was something I had to continually play all around LA and back home to the Bay Area without skipping 1 single song. Not because the man and his crew are backed by Slim from 112 and M3 Productions, but simply because he and his entire squad have an inherit set of talents that would crush most mixtapes on the scene today. Hard and professional sounded beats accompanied by Skuba's harsh voice and talented flows, this talented white cat...Yes, that's right he's white and the Ivy Leegue should not be taken lightly and or kept under the radar. If you haven't picked up the mixtape, please email or Myspace me if your ears need an eargasm or simply because you want to hear something new and fresh. Rather than the same 5 songs that tend to play on the radio repeatedly. As a side note, all future online orders of our gear will also include the mixtape as an added bonus until they are gone. There's 23 hard hitting tracks that make you bob your head furiously up-and-down. At least that's what I've been doing. Track #4, "So Fly" is one of Slim's hot singles that features the man Skuba himself. Definitely a track that shouldn't be skipped over! As for the rest of the individuals that took part in the mirth: JMoe (Producer), JMac (Producer), Outbreak (Rapper/Producer), Julio aka Froness (Marketing/Promotor), and Jason all the way from ATL (Slim's Choreographer/Singer/Song Writer) were all instrumental in getting the word out. As they say, "Ivy Leegue is a movement!" Keep a good lookout for these guys and spread the word! From a 3rd party perspective, these dudes are not going anywhere, but straight to the radio waves! Pick up a mixtape as the songs on their Myspace pages do only some of the justice!
Jason, OutBreak, Skuba and the Ivy Leegue

Skuba after a freestyle for the fans on the Hollywood strip

Mixtapes and flyers galore. Just some of the stash

Julio doing what he does best. Promoting Ivy Leegue and Bastard & Friends

Julio and Jason promoting all day/night

The gathering at JMac's loft in downtown LA

It was a long night as you can see for some

On JMac's roof top overlooking downtown LA somewhere around the fashion district

Ivy Leegue and BnF

Outbreak from the Ivy Leegue

JMoe of the Ivy Leegue

Jason (Slim's choreographer). ATL is in the building. Check his Myspace to see a short clip of his dance work

Ivy Leegue is a Movement!

And Lastly, on our tight and busy schedule down in LA, not only did we accomplish the promoting aspect with the Ivy Leegue, but we also had a chance to meet up with some of our other counterparts whom reside in lovely Los Angeles/Hollywood. Some are in the same industry as us, while others for example Jameel Saleem and Kimelia Weathers are in a totally different working atmostphere than BnF. Their familiar backgrounds reside in the film industry. Jameel, a very talented indie movie writer/producer/director and his other half Kimelia who also is no stranger to producing, graciously invited Sharon and I on the set to witness and experience their film talents. With other crew members at hand, their main interests were set on gaining $1.00 from each and every person spoken to, for an upcoming horror movie that will hopefully partake in the near term future. At the end of the day, I undoubtedly realize we all share the same courage and persistence it takes to try and get somewhere. And, I am very pleased to say every ounce of it will hopefully be well worth it. You can follow their reality show on a weekly basis at thegoodthebadandthemovie.com. I wanted to personally Thank them along with the other crew members for having us alongside with them. In addition, for sporting our gear in the trailer that can be viewed below. Enjoy! And, visit the website and contribute $1.00 so we can all see this exciting horror flick rise to the surface.
Kimelia preparing me for my short cameo appearance. Goodness, I had trouble with only 2 lines of script. Now I know what the pain actors/actresses go through.

BnF with Jameel and Justin

The crew in action

That's what's up! saleemfilms.com

More photos of the weekend will be posted on the Warp Zone page shortly.
Jonathan (Bastard & Friends)
Before you read below, I wanted to highlight that the pre-order pricing for all of our current hat stock will be ending tonight at Midnight. So, be sure to order before Midnight or else you'll just have to get it at regular price starting tomorrow!
Over the weekend Bastard & Friends took a trip down to the great place of LA/Hollywood with the Ivy Leegue for Skuba's aka Mr. Superbad MixTape release party. As it turned out, unfortunately, problems rose with the club promoter the last minute before the show was going to start. Hence, Skuba was unable to perform as expected over at Club Nacional in Hollywood. In lieu of the party at the club, a spur-of-the moment event was put together for Skuba and the Ivy Leegue courtesy of JMac (Music Producer) over at his loft in downtown LA. A decent number of people came by which was beautiful. We came across some good people throughout the night as some were wondering what all the hype revolving around the Ivy Leegue and Bastard & Friends was about. Ultimately, both the Ivy Leegue and we were on a mission to promote both of our positions. This was definitely achieved all within the short-span of 48hrs from my perspective. Ivy Leegue who possessed 700+ mixtapes passed out a massive amount within the first few hours since setting foot on the busy downtown Hollywood strip. Meanwhile, we were able to accomplish the same as well. Armed with 300+ flyers and a huge roll of 500+ stickers, we were able to get all, but 50 stickers given out.
One of the first things that I wanted to address is the primary reason why we were down in Southern California. And, that reason was to support Skuba and his mixtape release. I have to say, I come across a lot, and I mean a lot of people who hand over and want me to listen to their music, indie/underground music that is. All within various genres (Rap, Alternative, Rock etc.). And, I have to admit a vast majority of them are not even worth listening to after the first few songs. Skuba's mixtape on the other hand was something I had to continually play all around LA and back home to the Bay Area without skipping 1 single song. Not because the man and his crew are backed by Slim from 112 and M3 Productions, but simply because he and his entire squad have an inherit set of talents that would crush most mixtapes on the scene today. Hard and professional sounded beats accompanied by Skuba's harsh voice and talented flows, this talented white cat...Yes, that's right he's white and the Ivy Leegue should not be taken lightly and or kept under the radar. If you haven't picked up the mixtape, please email or Myspace me if your ears need an eargasm or simply because you want to hear something new and fresh. Rather than the same 5 songs that tend to play on the radio repeatedly. As a side note, all future online orders of our gear will also include the mixtape as an added bonus until they are gone. There's 23 hard hitting tracks that make you bob your head furiously up-and-down. At least that's what I've been doing. Track #4, "So Fly" is one of Slim's hot singles that features the man Skuba himself. Definitely a track that shouldn't be skipped over! As for the rest of the individuals that took part in the mirth: JMoe (Producer), JMac (Producer), Outbreak (Rapper/Producer), Julio aka Froness (Marketing/Promotor), and Jason all the way from ATL (Slim's Choreographer/Singer/Song Writer) were all instrumental in getting the word out. As they say, "Ivy Leegue is a movement!" Keep a good lookout for these guys and spread the word! From a 3rd party perspective, these dudes are not going anywhere, but straight to the radio waves! Pick up a mixtape as the songs on their Myspace pages do only some of the justice!
Jason, OutBreak, Skuba and the Ivy Leegue

Skuba after a freestyle for the fans on the Hollywood strip

Mixtapes and flyers galore. Just some of the stash

Julio doing what he does best. Promoting Ivy Leegue and Bastard & Friends

Julio and Jason promoting all day/night

The gathering at JMac's loft in downtown LA

It was a long night as you can see for some

On JMac's roof top overlooking downtown LA somewhere around the fashion district

Ivy Leegue and BnF

Outbreak from the Ivy Leegue

JMoe of the Ivy Leegue

Jason (Slim's choreographer). ATL is in the building. Check his Myspace to see a short clip of his dance work

Ivy Leegue is a Movement!

And Lastly, on our tight and busy schedule down in LA, not only did we accomplish the promoting aspect with the Ivy Leegue, but we also had a chance to meet up with some of our other counterparts whom reside in lovely Los Angeles/Hollywood. Some are in the same industry as us, while others for example Jameel Saleem and Kimelia Weathers are in a totally different working atmostphere than BnF. Their familiar backgrounds reside in the film industry. Jameel, a very talented indie movie writer/producer/director and his other half Kimelia who also is no stranger to producing, graciously invited Sharon and I on the set to witness and experience their film talents. With other crew members at hand, their main interests were set on gaining $1.00 from each and every person spoken to, for an upcoming horror movie that will hopefully partake in the near term future. At the end of the day, I undoubtedly realize we all share the same courage and persistence it takes to try and get somewhere. And, I am very pleased to say every ounce of it will hopefully be well worth it. You can follow their reality show on a weekly basis at thegoodthebadandthemovie.com. I wanted to personally Thank them along with the other crew members for having us alongside with them. In addition, for sporting our gear in the trailer that can be viewed below. Enjoy! And, visit the website and contribute $1.00 so we can all see this exciting horror flick rise to the surface.
Kimelia preparing me for my short cameo appearance. Goodness, I had trouble with only 2 lines of script. Now I know what the pain actors/actresses go through.

BnF with Jameel and Justin

The crew in action

That's what's up! saleemfilms.com

More photos of the weekend will be posted on the Warp Zone page shortly.
Jonathan (Bastard & Friends)
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