BaytoBreakers 2008
The most beautiful sign at BaytoBreakers!

Crew members reporting to duty.

Brenden & Vanessa getting ready to launch the beach balls.

Patrick, Rennae, MaryAnne, Renski, Mike, Grace representing BnF!

Some of the promotional balls being tossed after the Hayes St. hill.

Part of the Bastard&Friends Family! This group is the best!

This was the scene all day long!

Ben walking...check out the cop! He looks interested.

LOL..Don't be a Bastard! Right on Matt and folks!

Wow..this dude is out for the count!

Branden holding up Ms. Blowup

BaytoBreakers 2008 (San Francisco)...crazy, fun, wild, nudity, and crowded! Those are the words that come to mind after attending one of the worlds most popular events. For the most part, B2B is a two part is the actual race in which people from around the world all come together to battle it out and test their running skills against each other in the 12K (7.46 Mile) course all through out the streets of downtown San Francisco. The course generally starts in the heart of downtown and ends at the beach. With various twists and turns as well as hills along the way, only the fit and strong survive. This year as well as the previous years, the Kenyan's came in first! Man, whatever happened to the American runners these days?!
Now, that's just the first part of B2B. The second part, however is....well...different I might add. This is where we come in! Just like the majority of the B2B attendance, we came to have a good time, party, and most of all promote/advertise Bastard&Friends! Overall, the event turned out great! It was way to crowded I might add (70,000+ attendance I believe I last heard); shoulder-to-shoulder and mini steps seemed to be what we had to abide by from the beginning to the end of the 6 Mile course. Yes, 6 Miles only. Unfortunately, they decided to close the rest of the course after the 6th mile sometime in the afternoon.
As for Bastard&Friends, the turnout was phenomenal! We came fully equipped. We all passed the huge Bastard&Friends sign around, dispursed 100 beach balls at various locations throughout the course as well as seen lots of naked people. For the most part, the naked people were men with sprinkled women here and there. Mostly everybody showed up who said they were going to. Some showed early and on time while others came late. Also, some joined in between the course. Altogether, there was a turnout of close to 40+ throughout the day. Unfortunately, some folks got lossed in the massive crowd, some left early while some stuck it out to the end with us! Hearing and seeing the responses from the crowd was incredible, also! A lot of people were taking pictures of the sign, some were raving about the name and slogan "Don't be a Bastard," while at times you could hear the crowd chanting it. Some even asked where they could get the shirts while others just looked confused. :)
You can check out some of the other spectacular photos that Mr. Photographer Sean took throughout the day. He was able to shoot off 400+ pics, but unfortunately, I could only display so many. Go here to check them out. BEWARE: some pics are graphic so watch out!
Once again, THANK YOU! to all of those who showed their love, loyalty and support to the "Don't Be a Bastard" nation. It truly is an honor to have such great friends, family and supporters!!! I would name everyone, but there's too many names to remember.'ll catch a few YouTube videos that display our group as well as the very "noticeable" sign of ours in the crowd shot by various people. Just search for BaytoBreakers.
Jonathan (Bastard & Friends)

Crew members reporting to duty.

Brenden & Vanessa getting ready to launch the beach balls.

Patrick, Rennae, MaryAnne, Renski, Mike, Grace representing BnF!

Some of the promotional balls being tossed after the Hayes St. hill.

Part of the Bastard&Friends Family! This group is the best!

This was the scene all day long!

Ben walking...check out the cop! He looks interested.

LOL..Don't be a Bastard! Right on Matt and folks!

Wow..this dude is out for the count!

Branden holding up Ms. Blowup

BaytoBreakers 2008 (San Francisco)...crazy, fun, wild, nudity, and crowded! Those are the words that come to mind after attending one of the worlds most popular events. For the most part, B2B is a two part is the actual race in which people from around the world all come together to battle it out and test their running skills against each other in the 12K (7.46 Mile) course all through out the streets of downtown San Francisco. The course generally starts in the heart of downtown and ends at the beach. With various twists and turns as well as hills along the way, only the fit and strong survive. This year as well as the previous years, the Kenyan's came in first! Man, whatever happened to the American runners these days?!
Now, that's just the first part of B2B. The second part, however is....well...different I might add. This is where we come in! Just like the majority of the B2B attendance, we came to have a good time, party, and most of all promote/advertise Bastard&Friends! Overall, the event turned out great! It was way to crowded I might add (70,000+ attendance I believe I last heard); shoulder-to-shoulder and mini steps seemed to be what we had to abide by from the beginning to the end of the 6 Mile course. Yes, 6 Miles only. Unfortunately, they decided to close the rest of the course after the 6th mile sometime in the afternoon.
As for Bastard&Friends, the turnout was phenomenal! We came fully equipped. We all passed the huge Bastard&Friends sign around, dispursed 100 beach balls at various locations throughout the course as well as seen lots of naked people. For the most part, the naked people were men with sprinkled women here and there. Mostly everybody showed up who said they were going to. Some showed early and on time while others came late. Also, some joined in between the course. Altogether, there was a turnout of close to 40+ throughout the day. Unfortunately, some folks got lossed in the massive crowd, some left early while some stuck it out to the end with us! Hearing and seeing the responses from the crowd was incredible, also! A lot of people were taking pictures of the sign, some were raving about the name and slogan "Don't be a Bastard," while at times you could hear the crowd chanting it. Some even asked where they could get the shirts while others just looked confused. :)
You can check out some of the other spectacular photos that Mr. Photographer Sean took throughout the day. He was able to shoot off 400+ pics, but unfortunately, I could only display so many. Go here to check them out. BEWARE: some pics are graphic so watch out!
Once again, THANK YOU! to all of those who showed their love, loyalty and support to the "Don't Be a Bastard" nation. It truly is an honor to have such great friends, family and supporters!!! I would name everyone, but there's too many names to remember.'ll catch a few YouTube videos that display our group as well as the very "noticeable" sign of ours in the crowd shot by various people. Just search for BaytoBreakers.
Jonathan (Bastard & Friends)
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