Thursday, June 4, 2009


A few hours back Joey Diamond, another YouTube phenomenon whom has a sizeable following of 18,600+ subscribers currently, put together another vocal performance that usually elates his followers and sends shivers down their spines. Just a few days ago, we decked out Joey with some of our gear during our photo shoot held in SF (scroll down to check the post a few days ago). In return, he put together this easing and sincere video for not only us, but his fans and supporters. If you've been following us for awhile now, you'd come to the realization that Joey is one of the handful of talented and acclaimed YouTuber's that we have on board with us. We are honored to have these individuals supporting the 'Don't be a Bastard' project!

Right on, Joey! Now go respond to your stalkers and admirers on YouTube who want you so desperately.

Jonathan (Bastard & Friends)