Wednesday, April 29, 2009


As a reminder, our sale will be finally coming to an end tomorrow. Hurry and get all items for 30% off of the regular price. Click on the Shop link above to go directly to the shopping page. As most of you are aware after browsing and attempting to purchase the items in the shopping area, there are limited quantities of items available. A lot of our sizes are sold out while some products in general are completely sold out. We've been receiving a lot of emails asking to re-stock sizes as well as completely bringing back certain products in general after being sold out. For the most part, we've been pretty responsive and have explained why we will not be bringing those items back or re-stocking the sizes. But, here's a brief little explanation as to why we are adamant about our decision:

A lot of our items such as the scenario based tee's are limited to 251 count (ie: freeloading bastard tee), therefore only this amount was ever printed for these type of shirts. So, if a certain size is sold out, it's sold out forever. The other concerns addressed are the re-stocking of belts, hoodies, and men's black logo tees. Amazingly, these items left the shelves fairly quickly in the past few months. Especially, at the shows we've exhibited at. We even re-stocked these items a bunch of times. I'd say we probably re-ordered from our vendors 3-5 times to keep up with the demand. After our last set was sold out for these items, we made a decision to not make these anymore since there was a massive amount already purchased by our customers. Our intent was to ensure that the customers who already purchased them possessed something special rather than an item that everybody else was rockin'. Basically, to keep them exclusive. One of the things I wanted to point out also is that when a specific design is completely sold out, we will never re-make that particular product with the same design. Sorry folks! I'll have to admin we're going to be Bastards on this one! Hope that clarifies things for those people we haven't responded to as of yet. We are still working on responding to your calls and emails. Nevertheless, we'll get to everyone within the next day before we take off to our next show in LA this weekend, UNIQUE LA.

Jonathan (Bastard & Friends)