Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Melrose Ave.

While still down in So. Cal on Sunday, we decided to take a trip over to the Melrose Ave. area and check out the cool and trendy shops. It was nice out so why not. We came across a bunch of hip little boutiques that were interesting. Some of the shops we went into were KidRobot, Paul Frank, Bape (located above), The Hundreds, Ed Hardy, SMET and other various stores in which Tyson Beckford (model dude) was shopping for some new kicks. Also, came across the world famous 'Pinky's Hot Dogs' (legendary hot dog spot in Hollywood).

Off of the Melrose strip we parked in a neighborhood that had some crazy bombings on the wall by 'CBS' (located above). The shot was just one of the many photos that Sean and I took that day. After seeing those nice, colorful and oh so beautiful pieces of art work, it made me think about when I was much younger bombing the walls and intellectual properties of the Bay Area. Unfortunately, I got caught one too many times and had to fulfill community service for 3 straight summers from what I recall.

One of the funniest things we came across was the Hollywood tours bus. Or, should I say the half cut van (located above). We'd occasionally see the other tour buses that were multi-level and then here comes along this 1/2 cut van carrying tourists around. Can somebody say...low budget.

Jonathan (Bastard & Friends)