Friday, May 16, 2008

Finally! NOW OPEN!

WOW!...After 9 long treacherous months of long hours and sleepless nights, the website is finally up and running full speed! It's been a wild roller coaster ride as you could imagine. And, for all of those that were involved and fully engaged from day one...THANK YOU! It truly means a lot to the Bastard & Friends family! I can't begin to tell you have much of a challenge it was to get to where we are today. We didn't realize how tough it would be to start something like this. In the beginning, we had a vision of just being your regular old T-shirt company putting out novelty shirts. Shortly after, we found ourselves thinking about the packaging and branding of the company, contacting various designers and animators, looking into baseball cards, researching toys (vinyl/plush/poly-resin) etc..It's been CRAZY! But, we believe it's well worth it!

So..that's it for now. I'm going to try and finally get at least 8 hrs. of sleep for the first time in 9 months!

Big THANK YOU especially to Sean Young (UMIDESIGN) for putting together an AWESOME site as well as the long hours behind it!! Now, you could finally go to sleep on time! :)

Stay tuned for more product updates and more Bastard animations! Series 1 is only the beginning!

Jonathan (Bastard and Friends)