Friday, May 30, 2008

Bastard & Friends YouTube Videos

WOW! I realized that I haven't updated the blog lately. We've been extremely busy these days. There are a lot of 'Bastard' related topics that's been in the news lately that I'm going to address in later posts. From the high gas prices to the evil bastards drilling into other people's gas tanks just to steal gas etc...

For now, if you haven't been to the 'meet the bastards' section to view our Series 1 animations, you can also check them out on our YouTube channel below. Pass 'em around, comment on them whether you like them or not. Do whatever you feel that makes you happy at the end of the day. Check back frequently, though. The final 3 (Unsanitary, Movies, Dieting Fat) in the series will be posted soon.

Bastard&Friends YouTube Channel

Jonathan (Bastard & Friends)